whirlpool bath with blue towel
16323294 © Ron Zmiri | Dreamstime.com
Ah, chores. The joy of adulting. The chore I find the most challenging is scrubbing the bathtub. Scrubbing and bleaching the tile and grout, bending across the tub to scrub the far wall, hoping I remembered to change into an old ratty shirt first so I don’t ruin the one I’m wearing with bleach spots (I’ve done this several times). Rinse and repeat to get rid of any gritty Soft Scrub. When cleaning the bathroom I try to do this part first, to get it out of the way. With that done, the rest is a breeze.
I wish I could make this more interesting but it’s the best I can do with this prompt.  🙂
This is also the first time I have included a stock photo on my blog. I prefer to use my own photography, but the tub pictured above is much nicer than mine and a whirlpool bath sounds SOOOOO good right now.
So thank you, Ron Zmiri! If this is your tub, I am jelly.
2 thoughts on “Bloganuary – Day 12 – What chore do you find the most challenging to do?”
  1. For me it’s probably all of the cleaning all the time. With the preschooler and constantly cleaning the kitchen floor, plus the bathrooms and the regular cleaning: I agree that a whirlpool bath would be so wonderful—oh yes please! haha—and I gotta agree with you about the grout. So few people talk about cleaning/chores on the regular, and it’s such part of my life, so thank for this post (and prompt).

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