I honestly can’t remember a specific time in my life when everything fell into place – do we ever get that lucky? LOL I’m sure there have been times, both minor and major things, I’m just drawing a blank right now. Not to mention our definition of the concept – things can fall into place quickly or over time. But what is forefront in my mind is that I’m just as grateful for when things worked out at all, even with the speed bumps in the road of life, as I call it.
Like anything else, it’s the achievements that we struggle with and really fight for that we appreciate more when it all comes together.
Even when things didn’t go perfectly, it still worked out in the end. I think I’d rather look back on a lifetime of achievements that have so much meaning behind them, than opportunities that seemed to just “fall into place”. Those at least will be more memorable.
Of course, I’d be open to Friday’s winning lottery numbers just – falling into place!
Wouldn’t it be great if the lottery just fell into place? Of course, I’m going to have to start playing the lottery first. I’d love to think I’d be that one person who plays it once on a whim and wins a bazillion dollars! That would rock!
Theresa Ledford recently posted…A model citizen
🙂 It would certainly be life changing!
Nice post. I agree with you – winning the lotto would be great. Also haven’t had much “fall into place.” 🙂
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