Google browser, YouTube

Recently a blogger friend of mine, Tessa, posted on her YouTube channel about tracking your writing with bullet journaling. She inspired me to take a look at my own YouTube account, which I haven’t kept up with as much as my blog and other social media accounts. It’s a repository mainly for my GoPro videos, which I take while motorcycling, snowmobiling and kayaking.

First, let’s go back to last fall, when I stupidly installed a rogue Chrome browser extension for a purpose I can’t even remember and soon after, every web page, including my blog, became riddled with annoying ads.  I tried and tried to fix the issue: got rid of the browser extension (I WISH I could remember which one it was, I would warn you to stay away!), called my host, took up lots of a techy friend’s time, nothing I tried worked to rid myself of this crap.

Also, I have two Google accounts. One I used for everything, the other I think I just set up because I needed a Gmail account for some past venture I’m no longer involved in. So all this time, I’ve kept track of both Google accounts and password, yet only really using the one. I decided to nix the Google account I was using the most (which I thought was causing everything to be riddled with ads), and lo and behold, the ads were gone from my blog and other websites (now that I was logged into my other Google account).

Unbeknownst to me that the Google account I just nixed was hooked to my YouTube account. #doh!  So now, my channel was still visible in a search, but I could no longer upload videos to my channel without that Google account. I searched and searched for ways to move my YouTube channel to the other Google account. I tried restoring the Google account it repeatedly, but it didn’t like my password and also insisted my phone was not an eligible device, so sending a text to unlock my account was not an option either.  Ugh.  Oh, and no way to contact anyone about it, all I had was their online forum which offered no help for this particular issue.

So fast forward to this past weekend, when I saw Tessa’s video and it inspired me to sit down and take another look.  I really wanted to used my established YouTube account which held more than a few videos, plus I had video from our last snowmobile trip I wanted to upload. Miraculously, somehow I was able to restore my old Google account. I don’t know how, I literally tried EVERYTHING I did back in November, but this time it let me in and I was able to restore and reset my password, and also register my phone. (Note: This is why I will never work in IT again. Browser trouble? Create a Word doc, delete it, hop on one foot and do a cartwheel and maybe it will work. Everything you try now will fail but try the same thing next week and voila!)

I did also find an article about moving it, but haven’t went down that road yet. It wanted a branded account, and my other one was not available to select for the destination account. ???  For now, it’s back.

So, long story long, my YouTube channel now has a recent video of our last snowmobiling trip and I’m back to using both accounts. My other one is now the default so I haven’t been bothered by ads since I’m using that one to browse.


Thoughts, comments?  Have you successfully moved a YouTube account from one Google account to another?

2 thoughts on “My Google/YouTube Saga”
  1. Oh no, I’ve never tried moving an account like that, but I’ve definitely done the bizarre restoring account song and dance, and like you– it didn’t work, and then it did. Wishing you luck! 😀

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