The December/January Creepy Crate arrived and Reuben and Remnar were anxious to get back to their reviews, as they slacked off for October/November. It was their holy season after all so they had lots of other celebrating to do.

Yes!  A new 2021 calendar!  This will also serve as a bucket list of sorts as it contains photos and a brief description of 12 haunted places such as Waverly Hills, the Trans-Allegheny Asylum, and the Clown Motel and Graveyard!   So much to explore, so little time.

I loved the mug I got to add to our collection, it’s the Death tarot card with an image of Richard Ramirez. He was portrayed in American Horror Story: 1984 by Zach Villa, whom I thought did an amazing job!  And the Cask of Skulls tea infuser was a surprise! It’s made of rubber and the top comes off so you can fill it with your favorite tea, which I have a stockpile of from past scary boxes.

Secret Santa is the book in this month’s box, by Andrew Shaffer.  As we are into January, I think I’ll put it on the TBR for the next holiday season. It’s about an office secret santa gift exchange that takes a horrifying turn!

The latest addition to the pin collection is a jar of eyes!

Reuben modeled the skeleton scruff neck warmer but it makes him look like the Grim Reaper, which also works!  Haha.  I got Bill to model it instead.

It’s thin enough to see through and will cover your whole face, but I’ll likely not wear it out in public that way!  However, it’s thin enough that it might work just perfectly under my snowmobile helmet.

Excellent box and we loved everything!  Thanks, Creepy Crate!

3 thoughts on “December/January Creepy Crate”
  1. […] On that topic, I made the decision to cancel one of my monthly scary boxes. We just did a review on the December/January box from Creepy Crate, and I cancelled Night Worms for right now.  I LOVE Night Worms, but I would rather have one at a time, not both.  Perhaps down the road I’ll resubscribe to Night Worms and take a break from Creepy Crate.  Having both subscriptions resulted in books piling up faster than I can read them. And as much as I love the creepy trinkets, those too accumulate and I’m trying to minimize!  🙂  So, if you haven’t already, check out our latest review! […]

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