Hello and welcome to this week’s Ten Things of Thankful, or #TToT. Here is the home of Ten Things of Thankful with all the details about #TToT and the linky to join the blog hop. Gratitude is so powerful. What are you thankful for?
My list includes:
That a gift for a friend was safely received, though it was NOT left secured, when it could have been, by a delivery company that shall remain nameless. Grrrr.
Pleasant conversation on my siblings text thread during this past week. Thankful for the these times.
Snow! It didn’t stick, but it makes this time of year so festive.
Walking again, on my new treadmill. I’m working back up to it slowly, but it is SO nice to to have some level of activity again.
A good post op visit with my surgeon and getting around MUCH better, now that I was reminded how to use my cane. #doh!
A visit with a dear friend who also just had surgery. We laughed so hard, both of us hobbling around with our canes.
The hope of having family to come visit for Christmas Eve.
MMMmmmm, chocolate cherry eggnog!
Being asked for ID when buying the chocolate cherry eggnog.
Excitement of working on goals for 2023.
You got asked for id?! I’d love that for Christmas 😊
It was nice! 🙂