Halloween coffee

Brrrr!  26 F this morning! Come on in and grab a cup! I’ll light the fireplace to take the chill off.  Happy Halloween! I can’t believe it’s already here! October always goes so fast. And of course things were different this year. We use to wear costumes to work on the Friday before Halloween, there was always some kind of a celebration and I’d bring in treats on our mandatory “report to the office days”.  My favorite were the Frankenstein Rice Krispy treats, which I instead made for neighbors and friends. I couldn’t find the black icing to make the stitched mouth, so I improvised.

Frankenstein Rice Krispies

So how was your week? I realized this week just how busy these last two months of 2020 will be. I got through my last project to tackle the remaining one with a 12/31 deadline that I had to backburner before. And I will need every single hour I can carve out!

Oh, and I tried a dark pic of my nails. Hard to get a clear shot in the dark, but they are bright! I’ll totally do this again. My nails have held up better than any polish I’ve tried. No chips and it’s been a few weeks!

Today we will head out to a local powersports store to see about a manual and a new idler wheel for my new snowmobile. Once the clock strikes midnight on November 1st, it’s officially snowmobile season in our house!  We can’t ride until December 1st, but we enjoy getting the sleds ready and making plans for our weekend trips, researching maps and figuring out lodging.

Speaking of November, tomorrow starts Nano Poblano, which I wrote about a few days ago. There are 28 bloggers on the roster as of today, and it closes on Monday. Join us!  We’d love to have you.

Well, I must get on with the day. I’m glad Halloween is on a Saturday so I have plenty of time to decorate and get ready for the trick or treaters I hope we get. And a full moon campfire sounds like an idea! I’m going to have some Halloween fun today and block most of Sunday off to get caught up on some work. It was great to see you, thanks for coming by!

Join us over at Eclectic Ali’s and join in the conversation!

15 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare: Happy Halloween!”
  1. A snowmobile trek sounds like so much fun. Doing my nails though, no so much. Our side of the country we’re more likely to own sea-dos (did I spell that right?) I’ve never owned one myself as work and location don’t make it a wise investment, but I’ve tried them and found out that my daughter is more gutsy than me. I could not go fast enough for her.

    1. We love it so much and it makes winter go by fast!! Location is precisely why we went with 20 year old sleds instead of new. We don’t get as much snow as up north, you can’t ride on the side of the road down here (too populated). Now a SeaDoo I’ve never tried.. In fact I’ve never been on a jet-ski OR a waverunner. Those look like a blast as well. Thanks for coming by!

    1. Yes! Doing the snow dance! Halloween was pretty good, we had about the same number of kids we did last year. I thanked everyone for coming out and keeping it alive.

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