Good morning on the last day of Thanksgiving break! I hope you had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. I also hope you had some time off! For some of my friends, it was back to the grind Friday morning, even those not working retail.
Speaking of retail, if we were having coffee I’d ask you if you went out on Black Friday and lived to tell about it. Not me. Never have, never will. Very, very few things in life to me are worth crowds, long lines, traffic, scrambling for parking, fistfights over the last air fryer, etc. Nope. I know there are some great deals out there and lots of money to be saved, but to me it’s just not worth the headache. But I hope it was successful for you, if you went!
If we were having coffee, I’d also share with you that I’m dealing with a sprained ankle, which I received on, of all times, Wednesday night before the holiday. I was carrying some things out to my garage, had my arms full, stepped out too far on my back steps and my right foot slid off the edge of the concrete step. I’d already picked up my left foot, so down I went onto the patio. I spent the evening with ice on it (Bill strapped a package of frozen peas to my foot as it kept sliding off) and figured I’d see how it was in the morning.
At 5am I was praying to God urgent care would be open early. At 9am I went for x-rays but thankfully nothing broken or fractured, just a moderate sprain. Thankful indeed!
We were headed to my sister’s for Thanksgiving and then having dinner for my in-laws on Friday, so this could not have happened at a worse time! Though with my bad left hip, a sprained right ankle evened out my limp. It was a great day, we FaceTimed with my brother out in Phoenix, took lots of family pics and indulged in many treats, such as my sister’s tortilla rolls, which go very, very fast..
Up early Friday to get ready for Thanksgiving all over again! We actually got everything done with time to spare.
If we were having coffee, I’d tell you how fast the weekend has gone, as it always does. Now to determine how to spend the final day, we could put the tree up and start decorating, finish yard work, I have a ton of work to do in my studio. And starting the Christmas lists!
Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend!
Grab a beverage and join us over at Eclectic Ali’s for the #WeekendCoffeeShare! Also, check out Daisy Smiley Face for the #DSFWeeklyRewind!
Sorry to hear about your ankle! Glad nothing’s broken or fractured. I can attest peas are the best — they mold around an injured limb quite well. Good choice, hub!
Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving. I did, too. Yummy food, and I’ve not been out of pajamas or the house since Wednesday night. Just what I needed.
Happy week!
Tara recently posted…#DSFWeeklyRewind: Leave a Message
Yes, we keep a bag in the freezer just for that purpose. Probably one of the handiest tips I’ve ever learned, it works great! PJ pants have been my daily attire as well. 🙂
Ouch! Sorry to hear about the ankle. I hope you heal rapidly 🙂
Thank you!
Ooff – sprained ankles are not fun! I actually spent much of Thanksgiving with my leg up icing my knee — I’d tweaked it Wednesday night while walking home from work. Thankfully, it was much better after 24 hours of RICE.
Sounds like a lovely Thanksgiving weekend despite the injury!
Sounds like we both had RICE for Thanksgiving!! Lol hope your knee feels better!
Sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving despite the ankle injury. I hope it gets better quickly but don’t push it. From the strapping and ice it looks like you are doing the right thing. Why is it called Black Friday? My husband would now be saying “don’t you know there is a thing called the internet.” Yes I do so I’ll check it out. Hope you have a good week and thanks for coffee.
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