coffee in the snow

Aaaand, we’re home this weekend. Haha, can’t play all the time. Welcome and come on in out of this FRIGID day!  It’s a balmy 16 degrees out there. Of course western Michigan has been graced with snow this week after returning home from our last trip. We’re missing the great trail conditions but I can’t imagine how BUSY it is, so we can always do without that. Getting lodging and dining accommodations I’m sure will be rough.  On the upside, Bill discovered he has an extra PTO that needs to be used soon, so we have another trip in the works, this time to Thompsonville!

Come on in out of the snow globe and make yourself comfy. How’ve you been? I’ve missed the last few coffee shares and look forward to visiting my virtual caffeinated friends.. This week went by fast and slow at the same time. I can’t believe we are halfway through February. Wasn’t New Year’s Eve just last weekend?

If you happened to read about our last adventure, you know that we got a flat on the trailer on the way home. It was a brand new tire and rim, so that’s a bummer. So we still need to replace that and also, Bill discovered a bad idler wheel on my sled, which luckily we had a spare for. All that and I managed to lose my snowmobile key! How, I don’t know, it was buried deep in my coat pocket and I really tried to make a point of keeping track of it, but it’s nowhere to be found. Bill ordered me a new Ski-Doo blank and made me a new key from my spare. Only me!

Last weekend, we got to zoom around the front yard a bit when Bill unloaded my sled for the idler wheel repair, so that will have to hold me until our next trip. But it’s snowing now with more in the forecast!

snowmobile tracks

Last weekend I was over the moon happy to have a chance to try cross country skiing! I was invited by one of my paddle-partners-in-crime and made my rental reservation at a local metropark. After a slight hiccup in the day we still got to go for about an hour. It was a sunny after noon but frigid cold!  More to come on this adventure!

I’m finally digging into Murder, Lies and Cover-Ups, a true crime book by David Gardner I got about a year ago! It’s been very interesting to say the least to read about the inside story of these celebrity deaths.  They’ve been shared in order, Marilyn Monroe, JFK, Elvis, Princess Diana and Michael Jackson. I’m about halfway through reading about Elvis. I’d share a pic but WordPress is having a tantrum about uploading photos right now.  Sigh.

On the streaming front I’ve discovered the Ghost Inside My Child on Amazon Prime (which will make the hair on your arms stand up!). and Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel on Netflix. Both are very good and we’ve been alternating between the two series.

I suppose it’s time to make the weekend To Do list and see what I can cross off. Need a warm up?  What’s been going on in your life? Have you been out to semi-normal dining experience yet?  Been on any adventures? What are you reading or watching?

Stay warm and I look forward to stopping by!  As always, thank you to Natalie the Explorer for hosting our Weekend Coffee Share!



18 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare: More Snow On the Way!”
  1. As cold as I would be in the snow, it is far better the constant rain and brr here in what is suppose to be balmy South CArolina. The kids are going stir crazy along with the grownups since there is no place to burn off the energy. We just might bike ride in the parking lot.

  2. Kathleen, You sure have got more snow than us here. We’re still under lockdown until at least February 22 so no, I haven’t been out dining anywhere. I’m reading Empire of Wild, by Cherie Dimaline, an Indigenous writer and multi-award winner. I’m glad you joined us at this week’s #WeekendCoffeeShare.

    Natalie recently posted…BeaverTails and Red RosesMy Profile

    1. Hi Natalie! Our restaurants and bars have opened to 25% capacity only, closing at 10pm.. We still haven’t gone out though, we really didn’t eat out much before COVID. That book sounds good! Thanks for reading..

    1. Hi Dinah! Yes, I really didn’t have the right gear covering my face on the XC ski trip.. I FROZE. It was 15 for a high that day. Must do better. Ticking away the weekends like this really makes winter go by fast! Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

  3. Hi Kathleen, I did miss you and was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to backtrack to when we last had proof of life from you and ping to make sure you had not forgotten us.
    Lost keys and snow snowmobiling around does make a pretty good alibi for being MIA I think.
    Glad all is well.

  4. I’ll admit that cross country skiing is more my speed than snowmobiling, so I am with you on learning that sport 😉 Sounds like you had a lot of issues, but hope they are all set and you can enjoy the rest of the season and get back out there on your sled, a little farther than your front yard! Have a great week 🙂

    1. Oh, forgot – on your mug, Camp Crystal Lake. Is that near Crystal Mountain ski resort? Back when I was a kid I lived in Ohio I skied there a few times. Yeah, norther Ohio is so flat that we actually went to Michigan to ski 😉

      1. It’s a Friday the 13th coffee mug! You know me, the horror fiend.. Camp Crystal Lake was the setting for the Jason Voorhees slasher flick. 🙂 However, funny you mention Crystal Mountain! That’s where we are going next weekend to snowmobile. The motel and trails are right down the road from Crystal Mountain. Yes, Ohio and southern Michigan are rather flat.

    2. I really enjoyed XC skiing! I’m glad there are several parks nearby that offer rentals. I hear that they are hard to find similar to the kayak outage of last summer. It’s a great socially distant activity! I think I’d like to get my own, though.

  5. I live in SW Washington State and we are currently snowed in…yay. I can say that because it’s a rare occasion that we have enough snow to snow us in. I tried X-country skiing a few times and enjoyed it. I’d love to try snowshoeing.

  6. Not living in snow country, I’ve not ever tried any kind of skiing. I used to want to try cross country but not anymore. I’m too old and not very mobile so it’s not for me. It’s good to experience it vicariously through others, though.

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