
I’ll take it!  Pull up a patio chair and I’ll light the tabletop firebowl so we can at least toast our hands a little. It’s a bit chilly but we are being graced with some mild weather this weekend. We have a TON of things to do today and Sunday, but I am so grateful for the Get Out of Yard Work Free card I got from Bill!  A friend surprised me with availability today and we are going KAYAKING! All day! OMG! Not only am I so excited to go out again in this gorgeous weather, we are exploring a chain of lakes I’ve had on my list for a while now. Stay tuned for a Sunday Paddle post!

So how was your week? Again, mine has flown by. We voted on Tuesday, no lines, no issues. Now we wait, biting nails. Work is the same, busy, counting down to the end of the year and working on project deadlines. But I was able to really make some progress this week, so I think I’ll be in good shape by the end of the year.

We now enter the dreaded time of year when it’s dark at 3pm. Halloween is over and I was happy to see that we got about the same amount of kids we do every year, which isn’t many, but at least Halloween didn’t fall victim to COVID. And, someone in my city constructed this awesome contraption to deliver goodies to both kids and parents! Too funny. So now the decorations are almost all boxed up and waiting for their return trip to the garage attic. At least Halloween didn’t suck as much as the rest of this year has.

Nano Poblano is going well so far, and I did make the Stuffed Poblano Peppers on that kickoff night, which turned out amazing! I added an extra layer of evilness and spread a layer of jalapeno cream cheese onto the pepper before adding the meat filling. Hehehe.. They were delish! I should have taken a photo, but for sure I’ll be making them again soon.

Bill and I have snowmobiling on our minds, with our new(er) sleds patiently waiting in the garage. I look forward to getting them out and sharing them with you. We have a big trip in the works, out to South Dakota this winter, and we also have several local places we are looking forward to riding.

Well, it’s time to load up my boat and pack my dry bag!   Would you like a warm up?  Thanks so much for joining me again this week.

Head on over to Eclectic Ali’s and join in the conversation!


15 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare: Patio Coffee in November?”
  1. How awesome that you had a great Halloween! That makes me so happy to hear! I think we had a great Halloween here as well, different, but good. Enjoy this weekend, and have a fabulous week ahead.

  2. I hope you had a great paddle! I made it out on the water for a couple of hours – it was perfect here for paddling.

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