snowy trees

Happy New Year!  It’s a good time for a warm cup of something on this dismal, damp Sunday.  Come on in..

Our holiday is coming to an end and it’s back to reality tomorrow. Call me crazy but I’m actually kind of looking forward to digging back in to work. Our curriculum conversion project is continuing and in doing that, it means I get to immerse myself and really learn the material, which will be a good thing.

The highlight our of holiday was our snowmobile trip that Bill and I are still reminiscing about! We had so much fun. We will be watching the weather and doing the snow chants, and at the same time, shopping for a new snowmobile trailer!  Bill had to rig it to get both of them to fit, and then bouncing home on these wonderful Michigan roads did further damage.

Our Christmas decorations are down and ready to be packed away, and I’m liking the empty space it’s created. Minimalism will be something I’ll be working on this year. I’ve already cancelled one of my scary box subscriptions, just because I had two and the books and trinkets were piling up. Books, as much as I loved them all, were accumulating faster than I read them, which is not fast at all. And I’m at the point in my life where I would rather spend money on experiences, rather than things. The past few days have totally reminded me of that!

Our leader gifted us this awesome journal for Christmas, and I plan to use it to record 2021. If I write in it twice a week, it will fill it up for the year. Now I just need to keep up with that plan.. 🙂

I’m glad to have the time off just due to the amount of time I’ve spent on these last two posts! It’s just one technical issue after another. Grrr.. I still have yet to figure out how to combine my YouTube channels.. That could be a whole other blog post.

I’d also like to thank Eclectic Ali for hosting our Weekend Coffee Share up to now and a thank you to Natalie over at Natalie the Explorer for taking the torch!  Next week we’ll be gathering at her place for our morning java.

Until then, have a great week and I hope you join us for more coffee shares!

10 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare: Snow Chants”
    1. Hi Dinah! Actually I work for an insurance company. My department writes the curriculum for training new customer service reps.. Same to you! 2021 has to be better..

  1. It’s a wonderful thing to feel good about going back to work. I feel great about going back to my work, but equally great that it is another week until I go back 🙂 We have sledding on our schedule today. Have an awesome new week!

    1. Thank you! It’s going well so far, I replaced a few end tables in my living room and eliminated two more, so nowhere to house the “stuff” it contained! Lots to go through and donate..

  2. For Christmas, I had a bit of tinsel hanging from a lamp and that was pretty much it so taking it was just a flick of the wrist and boom its gone how is that for minimalistic hahaha
    I always wonder if there is a time frame for having Christmas decorations how far into the New Year can you go?
    Compliments of the New Year

    1. I love that idea! One year, we never put up a tree and just piled our gifts on our rocking chair – hence, the Christmas chair! So much simpler. LOL Typically I put away all the decorations New Year’s Day, but I’ve noticed several houses on my street still have their trees up and their lights glowing. My guess is it brings them joy and after such a crappy 2020 and 2021 isn’t looking better, hang on to any happiness you have!

    1. That was such an awesome moment when the wind blew the snow through the trees! I’ll never forget it.. We are still doing to snow dance – nothing is in sight for right now.. I just hope when we do get snow it’s widespread giving everyone a place to go, otherwise we’ll have thousands of snowmobile in one area and that will be a mess too. And I’m keeping up with writing in my work journal!

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