BlogHer, a blogging community to which I belong, has monthly blogger challenges called NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month, which has actually been around a while. October’s theme is Fall.
Very cool! I love to write and thought a themed challenge would be fun. Until I saw that those committed to the challenge, submit a blog post every day.
Every day? I applaud myself for coming up with a halfway decent blog post once a week. I don’t know yet if I can jump in for the remainder of October, or if there will be another NaBloPoMo in November. I really like the idea of a 30 day challenge and it sounds as if there are daily prompt emails, providing a topic idea. As a good friend of mine recently said, “I can do anything for 30 days..”
With 12 days left in October, I think I’ll give it a go. Even if I need to wait until November to participate with Blogher.
Ironically, my daily reminder email from Penzu just came in. Time to get to work!
Blogging every day? Egads! Not unless you have a stable of writers writing for you. But, I think once a week is a good goal to have, especially given I have not done that as of yet. Thanks for the motivation!
Haha – I know! I heard back from the moderators at BlogHer – I can jump in and participate for October. So I’ll see if I can do this for the next 12 days.. Can I do it for 30? We’ll see. Plus, I have more topic ideas for October because of my love for the Halloween season and All Things Creepy.. I already have a list of ideas for now until the 31st! The blog posts don’t need to be a certain length – that will help. The idea is to commit to daily writing. I’m excited! 🙂